Cloverdale Town Council – Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, March 9, 2021
The Cloverdale Town Council met in Regular Session at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 in the Town Hall; 154 S. Main Street; Cloverdale, IN 46120.
CALL TO ORDER: President Rick Dearwester called the meeting to order at 7 pm.
PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL: Present on Roll Call were Councilmembers Larry Fidler, Greg Jay, Gary Bennington, Cindy Holland, and Rick Dearwester. Also present were Town Marshal Steve Hibler, Town Manager Jason Hartman, Town Attorney Richard Shagley and Clerk Treasurer Kelly Maners.
ADDITION OR DELETION TO AGENDA: It was requested that Fire Contract and Public Safety Fund be removed and Change of Redevelopment Meeting Time be added to the agenda. Councilmember Bennington motioned to approve the agenda with the changes. Councilmember Fidler seconded. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- Regular Meeting Minutes February 9, 2021
Councilmember Holland motioned to approve. Councilmember Bennington seconded. The motion carried 4-0 with Councilmember Fidler abstaining.
General: $119,676.82 Motion: Councilmember Fidler 2nd: Councilmember Jay
Water: $58,008.36 Motion: Councilmember Bennington 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
Wastewater: $75,328.05 Motion: Councilmember Holland 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
Payroll: $46,754.11 Motion: Councilmember Bennington 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
All motions were carried by unanimous vote.
TOWN MARSHAL: Marshal Hibler gave a monthly report on the activities of the Police Department. He also presented Council with a purchase agreement for a new K-9 officer that would be handled by Officer Lanning. The total cost of the K-9 would be $10,500. $7,000 would be paid upon purchase and the remainder would be paid in $500 monthly payments for the next several months. This would be paid for out of the Police Donation Fund. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to approve the purchase. It was seconded by Councilmember Holland. The motion carried by unanimous vote. The Police Dept is also looking to sell our Reserve Officer car, minus our equipment and decals, to another agency and in turn purchase Kent Goldman’s 2017 Ford Explorer from him. Marshal Hibler said the vehicle’s worth would be in the $30,000 range and after trade in we would be financing $28,000. First National Bank was willing to Lease the vehicle to us for 3 years, making our payments approx. $9,500 a year, with the first payment due in 2022. Marshal Hibler estimated we would be able to use the vehicle for 4-5 years. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to approve the lease, and it was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
FIRE CHIEF: Fire Chief Kerry Shephard reported that in January the Cloverdale Township Volunteer Fire Department made 56 total runs, 27 of which were in town. In February, 58 runs were made, 24 of which were in town.
REDEVELOPMENT MEETING SCHEDULE CHANGE: President Dearwester suggested changing the 2021 regular meeting times of the Redevelopment Commission to the 4th Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to approve, and it was seconded by Councilmember Holland. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- BZA-Tabled until next month
- PLANNING COMMISSION-Brice Howell was nominated by Councilmember Bennington and seconded by Councilmember Fidler. He was appointed by unanimous vote.
- REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION-3 appointments were made to the Redevelopment Commission by Council President Dearwester: David Fish, Scott Bailey, and Gary Bennington. 2 additional appointments were made by unanimous vote of the council. Rick Dearwester was nominated by Councilmember Fidler and seconded by Councilmember Bennington. Larry Fidler was nominated by Councilmember Dearwester and seconded by Councilmember Holland.
- PLANNING AND ZONING: Town Manager Hartman suggested we enter an interlocal agreement with the County for them to administer our zoning. He emphasized the Town would not be giving up any authority and this would be at no cost to the Town. Council directed Attorney Shagley to draw up an agreement to be reviewed at the next council meeting.
- SIDEWALK REPAIR: A quote from Indiana Foundation Service was presented to Council to repair the sidewalk that goes to the back door of the Town Hall. The cost would be $2,192.00. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to “repair the sidewalk”. It was seconded by Councilmember Holland. The motion carried by unanimous vote. It was also recommended we paint the curb yellow. Town employees will do that.
- INFLOW/INFILTRATION: It was recommended we pass an ordinance to require an inspection at the sale of a property. This inspection would look for illegal connections to the Town’s sewer system and would require these to be fixed. Discussion ensued. Town Manager Hartman and Attorney Shagley will prepare an ordinance for the next meeting.
- BLUESIDE WAY PROJECT: The permit was issued. A request for quotes has gone out. The deadline for the quotes is March 25th.
- SEWER ADJUSTMENT: Utility Customers at2 West Mill Street had a substantial underground water leak. The leak has been repaired. The water did not enter the sewer system. They are requesting an adjustment of $912.63 to the sewer portion of their bill. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to approve the adjustment. It was seconded by Councilmember Bennington. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- BULK WATER: Tabled until next month.
- TOWN MANAGER VEHICLE: 2 options were presented to council. One was a Ford Explorer for $34,991.25. The other was a Ford F-150 Crew Cab for $34,595.00. We have 5 pieces of equipment to possibly trade in. Discussion ensued. This was tabled until next month when more information would be available.
- ADOPTION HEARING-CUMULATIVE CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT REESTABLISHMENT: This is the Adoption Hearing to Reestablish the CCD fund to $0.05 per $100 of assessed value. Ordinance 2021-2 was introduced at the last council meeting. There was no further discussion. Councilmember Bennington made a motion to pass Ordinance 2021-2, and it was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- DUAL SIGNATURES: Councilmember Fidler made a motion “to remove Rick from signing checks and that the Clerk Treasurer signs all checks.” It was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
PLANNING/BZA: There were no BZA or Planning meetings this month.
PARK BOARD: John Berry spoke to the Council about opening the park, specifically the restrooms. Attorney Shagley saw no reason to not open this year. Council gave permission to reopen the park. It was also noted the park board is planning a couple of events for this summer. Roof repairs for the cabin at the park were also discussed. Council directed Mr. Berry to get some quotes.
- SENATOR FORD: The senator was not present.
- FARM BIDS: One bid was received from Cummings Farms for $700 to rent the farm ground from the Town for 2021. Councilmember Bennington made a motion to “accept the bid for $700” and it was seconded by Councilmember Fidler. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- AIM MEMBERSHIP: Council decided not to become a member of AIM this year.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Council President Dearwester at 8:24 pm.
Rick Dearwester, Town Council President
Kelly Maners, Clerk Treasurer